Friday, October 8, 2010

A Young Canadian Worker Bee

So, I've been completely neglecting this blog. The truth is, I've been busy, I got married! I moved (twice)! I went on vacation, I completed school and I started the Canadian Securities Course...and I got a new job. So this blog will probably take a little bit of a professional twist... I have a unique perspective: I'm 22, married, working (I guess it isn't that unique).

I've noticed that being young actually seems like quite the disadvantage in a work place
1) Some people don't take you seriously (not my own team, but other people on the floor...) or assume they can take advantage of you:
  Example: I was at the copier grabbing a few things I had printed off and a new person to the floor asked me if I could copy some things for him, I just stared in wonder and the branch administrator who was right beside me, said that she would. I had no idea what to say, I don't work for you!
Remedy: Just be the best worker you can be! That's the best way to earn respect in my opinion :)

2) People don't genuinely wish you happy birthday.
Remedy: Know that they're jealous that you're so young. I don't know about you, but I'm not upset when someone's jealous of me.


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